Teaching your dog/new puppy the most basic (but fundamental) skills are not dissimilar to raising a child in many ways.
You would not let your toddler run out of door as soon as you open it. The same applies for your dog.
Make sure you cover the following points early on, to avoid bigger problems from developing in future.
- Teach your dog the 'wait' command as soon as you can.
- Reward your pet’s patience with a treat.
- Make sure that your pet sits, whilst you get ready to take him/her for a walk. ( Also, make sure you step outside first. )
- Teach your dog to wait for his/her food (alternate the duration - 10 seconds to 1 minute )
- Always wait before crossing the road. Get your dog to sit on the curb at every crossing, that way you have time to spot any oncoming cars.
- When receiving visitors at your home, get your dog to sit and wait before greeting your guests, rather than having your dog pounce on them.